We’ve had a new enhancement to our medication section. Previously, medication was a text field which allowed free entry. This meant that if one person entered “Advil/Ibuprofen”, someone else entered “Advil”, a third entered “advil/ibuprofen” and a fourth entered “ibuprofen/Advil”, it would show up in a report as four separate medications.
With Annie and Betti’s help, we looked at the list of all meds used by DPD and chose one from each similar instance. Foothold made this field into a drop-down list for us. Now, if you start to type the medication or even just the first letter, it will narrow down the list for you and you can choose the closest one. If the med you need isn’t on the list, please choose “other” and it will give you a box to type one in. Please let me know when you do this so I can have the company add the medication to the list.