✝19th Week in Ordinary Time✝ Bless the work we do, the words we say, the love we share and the grace we show, on our daily walk through this beautiful and precious world. AMEN +++ ----+++----+++----+++----+++----+++----+++----+++----+++---+++----+++---+++----++ ✙
Gracious God, please pour your love upon those who have asked to be remembered in our prayers: Joan Meeks – Sister of Sister Joan
, for return of strength and health
Family of Julia Mukami Mwangi - mother in law of staff person Elizabeth Lumbete during this time of loss.
Claire Reilly – resident of the Murray House. May she feel loved during her illness and to find peace in the goodness of our Lord.
Family of Robert Williams – Father of Gruenert Center staff Lisa Beasley during their time of grief. May they find God’s consolation and peace.
Kathi Nick – former DPD employee. May She be filled with God’s graces as she enters begins the discernment process for becoming a Sister of the Poor Clares.
Joan Meeks – Sister of Sister Joan Gercke, for patience, strength and healing
Will Memery – patience and God’s blessing during his recovery
Josiah – For God’s guidance and protection
Lisa Beasley & Family- for comfort during this time of loss.
Rose Mwololo – during this difficult time of grief
Kirsten Yuroshek Tavia – Great grandmother of Ashley, Director of Barnet House
Lester Esparza - Father of Hope Eder
Christian Lavorgna – Son of CARE volunteer Ed Lavorgna
Lucy Cox – for strength
Daniel Healy Charlie Raab & Jim Daugherty Jimmy Feehan - Brother of Julie Tatti
Chris Androski - husband of Barnet House volunteer Nina.
James Ondimu Ochoki – Father of Geoffrey Ondimu, Director of Basile Apartments
Anthony – for strength
For peace, justice and hope in our world. May God bless our staff, residents, friends, volunteers and benefactors. May he turn his face toward you and give you peace. For the deceased and for their loved ones: Julia Mukami Mwangi - mother in law of staff person Elizabeth Lumbete
Robert Williams – Father of Gruenert Center staff Lisa Beasley
Mr. Hajjar - friend of the Murray Family
Mother of Grace Winiasrsk – Gruenert Center Staff
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August 14 – St. Maximilian Kolbe - Patron Saintof prisoners, families, journalists, and the pro-life movement.
Maximilian was born in 1894 in
Poland and became a Franciscan. He contracted tuberculosis and, though he recovered, he remained frail all his life. Before his ordination as a priest,
Maximilian founded the Immaculata Movement devoted to Our Lady. After receiving a doctorate in theology, he spread the Movement through a magazine entitled "The Knight of the Immaculata" and helped
form a community of 800 men, the largest in the world.
Maximilian went to
Japan where he built a comparable monastery and then on to
India where he furthered the Movement. In 1936 he returned home because of ill health. After the Nazi invasion in 1939, he was imprisoned and released for a time. But in 1941 he was arrested again and sent to the concentration camp at Auschwitz. On July 31, 1941, in reprisal for one prisoner's escape, ten men were chosen to die. Father Kolbe offered himself in place of a young husband and father. And he was the last to die, enduring two weeks of starvation, thirst, and neglect. He was canonized by Pope
JohnPaul II in 1982
Feast of the Assumption of Mary The feast of Mary’s Assumption is a preview of what our lives will be. At the end of her earthly life, Mary was assumed, or taken up, into heaven body and soul. She did not have to wait for the end of the world, as we do. God granted her this special privilege because of her sinlessness and her fullness of grace.