✙ August 7 - St. Cajetan 1480- 1547
St. Cajetan was born in Vicenza in Italy, and his father was a rich Count. He studied Law at the University of Padua and became a Lawyer and worked in the offices of the Pope in Rome. Cajetan later decided he wanted to be a priest. All his rich relatives were angry with him for becoming a priest. This did not stop St, Cajetan from joining a group of humble, simple men who devoted themselves to helping the sick and the poor. He helped to care for people with horrible diseases that many others refused. Together with three other holy men, St. Cajetan started an order of religious priests called "Theatines." St. Cajetan died at the age of sixty-seven. Although he was very sick before he died, he lay on hard wooden boards, even though the doctor advised him to sleep on a mattress. "My Savior died on a cross," he said. "Let me at least die on wood."
✙ August 9 - Saint Edith Stein – Patron Saint of Europe. Died in Auschwitz concentration camp
Edith Stein, born in 1891 in Breslau, Poland, was the youngest child of a large Jewish family. Eventually she became interested in the Catholic Faith, and in 1922, she was baptized at the Cathedral Church in Cologne, Germany. Eleven years later Edith entered the convent. Because of the ramifications of politics in Germany, Edith, whose name in religion was Sister Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, was sent to the Carmel at Echt, Holland. When the Nazis conquered Holland, Teresa was arrested, and, with her sister Rose, was sent to the concentration camp at Auschwitz. Teresa died in the gas chambers of Auschwitz in 1942 at the age of fifty-one. Out of the unspeakable human suffering caused by the Nazis in Western Europe in the 1930's and 1940's, there blossomed the beautiful life of dedication, consecration, prayer, fasting, and penance of Saint Teresa. Even though her life was snuffed out by the satanic evil of genocide, her memory stands as a light undimmed in the midst of evil, darkness, and suffering. She was canonized on October 11, 1998.
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