O Holy Lord, thank you that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. We thank you that we were made in your image to do good things. You knew us before time began and molded us in our mother’s womb to be exactly what you desired. Guide us and teach us Holy Spirit to walk in the ways of the Lord so that we can shine as God’s masterpiece. For Your glory and honor, in Jesus name. AMEN✝
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Gracious God, please pour your love upon those who have asked to be remembered in our prayers: Renee Farrell – Mother of Pamela Coar, Program Assistant at Fitzpatrick House, passed away this week. Please keep Pamela and her family in your prayers during this very sad time.
DJ Reyes – Son of Ashley Hidalgo, that he will grow in strength and health and may God keep him in his watchful care.
Jenne Craig – wife of volunteer Bob, as she battles breast cancer. May God give her strength and comfort.
Alberta – aunt of Cheryl Slate, as she grieves the loss of another son
Family of Jenn Minervino – As they go through this difficult time of loss
Family of Roy DeFranco – May God comfort in their grief at the passing of their mother.
Assunta Colonna – Mother of Joe Giuliano. For healing. May God sustain her courage and strength.
Joan Cartier – longtime friend of the DPD
. May God bring her comfort and courage as she faces a terminal disease.
Sister Emily – friend of Sr. Joan, for patience and courage as she works to recover from a stroke.
Jonathan Walmach –Great-nephew of Patt Foth who suffered a brain aneurysm. May he heal quickly and well.
Ellen Marco - May our Lord, our healer grant her full recovery.
Mia – an 8
th grade student in Sparta as she battles colon cancer. For healing and God’s embrace for her and her family to get through this terribly difficult time
Ronnie Ingram – sister of CARE member Raymond. Please pray for strength and courage as she goes through treatment.
Chris Androski - husband of Barnet House volunteer Nina. That his ear is healed and he gets his hearing back.
Patty Van Tine – Daughter of volunteer Barbara Mahler. May the Lord be her light during this time of crisis and keep her close in his love.
Ann - That her 2nd opinion for cancer diagnosis will be the light she needs in this dark journey. May God's presence be upon her throughout her journey
Tara Mackin- Gruenert Center volunteer, may God watch over her during her pregnancy and bless her and her unborn child with good health.
Lori Burton – May you fill her heart with your comfort; fill her body with your strength and her everyday with your rest.
Ron - Cousin of volunteer Camille Aveni, was recently diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. May he find consolation in God’s loving presence and for the doctors treating him.
James Ondimu Ochoki – For healing for this beloved father, grandfather, father in-law, brother in-law, and uncle to many.
Lucy Cox- May the Lord grant consolation and recovery to health.
Wally Camacho - May the love of God, family and friends sustain him as he undergoes dialysis 3 days a week.
Patrick Powis – Father of Art Powis
, for comfort, strength and courage as he faces his illness
Anthony - a young man of 23 whose lungs are not in good condition, may God draw him near as his final hours approach and for comfort for his loving family.
Rosa Bascietto – Mother of Joanne Rossi. That the love and respect of her family helps to sustain her and bring her joy.
Donald – Son of volunteer Barbara Mahler, may God watch over him during his illness
For peace, justice and hope in our world. May God bless our staff, residents, friends, volunteers and benefactors. May he turn his face toward you and give you peace. Renee Farrell – Mother of Pamela Coar
Stella Ann Hadyka – Grandmother of volunteer Jenn Minervino
Gary – Cousin of Cheryl Slate
Mrs. DeFranco – Mother of Roy DeFranco
+++ ----+++----+++----+++----+++----+++----+++----+++ June 12 –
Shavuot The word Shavuot means “weeks” and the festival of Shavuot marks the completion of the seven-week counting period between Passover and Shavuot. It commemorates the anniversary of the day
God gave the
Torah to the entire nation of Israel assembled at
Mount Sinai and became a nation committed to serving God.
June 13 - Saint Anthony of Padua - 1195-1231 - Patron Saint of Lost Things One of the most loved saints is St. Anthony of Padua. We turn to St. Anthony for help with our ordinary problems, but his life was really anything but ordinary. Saint Anthony of Padua was a Portuguese Catholic priest and friar of the Franciscan Order. He began his priestly studies at the age of 15 so sure that this was his calling. He joined the Franciscan order at age 26 and was sent as a missionary to Morocco. He spent the last two years of his life in Padua, Italy preaching, hearing confessions and working with the poor. He died when he was only 36 years old. In his short life he became renowned for his forceful preaching and expert knowledge of scripture. He is especially invoked and venerated all over the world as the patron saint for the recovery of lost items, and is credited with many miracles involving lost people, lost things and even lost spiritual goods.
Why do we ask St. Anthony to help us find lost things?
St. Anthony had a book of psalms that was quite special both because it was in the days before the printing press and contained many notes he had made to help him in his preaching and teaching. Late one night, a young Franciscan decided to quit the community. While sneaking out in the middle of the night stole this book because he knew that he could sell this it for a good deal of money. Of course, Anthony was quite upset. He prayed that God would change the young man's heart and bring him back to the Franciscan life. He also hoped that while God was at it, he would return Anthony's book too. The next day, the young man returned, tired and ashamed, with Anthony's book. He also brought back his own gifts and talents, which he decided once more to offer to the Franciscan community. And so Anthony became the Patron Saint of lost things.
June 19 –
Father’s Day A woman called Sonora Smart Dodd was an influential figure in the establishment of Father's Day. Her father raised six children by himself after the death of their mother. This was uncommon at that time, as many widowers placed their children in the care of others or quickly married again.
Sonora was inspired by the work of Anna Jarvis, who had pushed for Mother's Day celebrations. Sonora felt that her father deserved recognition for what he had done. The first time Father's Day was held in June was in 1910.
Loving God, we ask your blessing upon all fathers and those who filled the role of father whether they are alive or at home with you in your heavenly care. May they know the depth of our love for them. +++ ----+++----+++----+++----+++----+++----+++----+++