Lord, as I start a new week please help me through and I ask that you stand before me, behind me and to each side of me. Guide me in all my decisions and aid me in making the right choices for myself as well as others that I am responsible for. May this week bring me closer to you in every way! Amen.
Gracious God, please pour your love upon those who have asked to be remembered in our prayers:
Family of Julie Tatti – As they mourn the loss of their sister Colette. May God give them comfort.
Assunta Colonna – Mother of Joe Giuliano. For successful heart treatment. May God sustain her courage and strength.
Joan Cartier – longtime friend of the DPD
. May God bring her comfort and courage as she faces a terminal disease.
Sister Emily – friend of Sr. Joan, for patience and courage as she works to recover from a stroke.
Jack Straus- resident of Wallace House. May God keep him in his constant care.
Jonathan Walmach –Great-nephew of Patt Foth who suffered a brain aneurysm. May he heal quickly and well.
Ellen Marco - May our Lord, our healer grant her full recovery.
Sharon & Gloria – During their continued battle with breast cancer, may the blessings of our heavenly Father be on them. May they be restored to health.
Mia – an 8
th grade student in Sparta as she battles colon cancer. For healing and God’s embrace for her and her family to get through this terribly difficult time
Tommy Moran – for a return to health and for his family during this worrisome time.
Ronnie Ingram – sister of CARE member Raymond, during this difficult time of waiting as to how to proceed after a lump was found in her breast. Please pray for her peace of mind as she goes through this period of waiting and for a successful treatment and quick recovery time.
Carmen Romero – Grandmother of Ashley Hidalgo, for a speedy recovery from a dislocated hip.
Chris Androski - husband of Barnet House volunteer Nina. That his ear is healed and he gets his hearing back.
Patty Van Tine – Daughter of volunteer Barbara Mahler. May the Lord be her light during this time of crisis and keep her close in his love.
Karen – Sister-in-law of a volunteer. For strength to help her through her recovery program. May she feel God’s love.
Nidia Diaz – grandmother to the children of Lourdes Torres. May she feel God’s compassionate love during and slow and uncomfortable healing process from delicate surgery.
Ann - That her 2nd opinion for cancer diagnosis will be the light she needs in this dark journey. May God's presence be upon her throughout her journey
Tara Mackin- Gruenert Center volunteer, may God watch over her during her pregnancy and bless her and her unborn child with good health.
Lori Burton – May you fill her heart with your comfort; fill her body with your strength and her everyday with your rest.
Ron - Cousin of volunteer Camille Aveni, was recently diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. May he find consolation in God’s loving presence and for the doctors treating him.
James Ondimu Ochoki – For healing for this beloved father, grandfather, father in-law, brother in-law, and uncle to many.
Gary – Cousin of Cheryl Slate, for strength in suffering and return to health
Lucy Cox- May the Lord grant consolation and recovery to health.
Wally Camacho - May the love of God, family and friends sustain him as he undergoes dialysis 3 days a week.
Patrick Powis – Father of Art Powis
, for comfort, strength and courage as he faces his illness
Anthony - a young man of 23 whose lungs are not in good condition, may God draw him near as his final hours approach and for comfort for his loving family.
Rosa Bascietto – Mother of Joanne Rossi. That the love and respect of her family helps to sustain her and bring her joy.
Donald – Son of volunteer Barbara Mahler, may God watch over him during his illness
For peace, justice and hope in our world. May God bless our staff, residents, friends, volunteers and benefactors. May he turn his face toward you and give you peace.
Colette Brooks – Sister of Julie Tatti
Eillen Wilson – Longtime friend and neighbor of the DPD
Joe Mahoney – family member of DPD volunteers Denise & Denise Avagliano
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May 3 - Saints Philip and James Philip and James were both apostles, and both served Christ faithfully during the very early days of the Church. Philip seems to have been an enthusiastic person with a practical, down-to-earth mind. He was the apostle who commented that it would take a considerable amount of money to feed a crowd of more than 5,000 hungry men, women, and children. It was Philip who asked to see the Father when Jesus spoke about him at the Last Supper.
James was the son of Alphaeus and seems to have been born in Caesarea. He is mentioned less frequently in the New Testament than Philip is. Sometimes James is called the Less, which might be a hint that he was a short person or else that he was younger than the other apostle named James.
After Jesus' death James continued to preach the Gospel and is believed to have become the first bishop of Jerusalem. Assuming that James and the first bishop of Jerusalem are one and the same person, then he met his death as a martyr in that city about the year 62 AD. Tradition identifies James as the author of the epistle associated with his name.
May 5 –Ascension Ascension Day (also known as Ascension Thursday or Feast of the Ascension) refers to Jesus bodily ascending to heaven. According to the New Testament the Ascension of Jesus occurring 40 days after the Easter on a Thursday (and ten days before Pentecost.) but some religious celebrate it on Sunday in the sixth week following Easter Sunday. The Feast of the Ascension is one of the great solemnities in the Christian liturgical calendar.
The Acts of the Apostles says that after resurrection Jesus stayed with his apostles for 40 days. Afterwards they came to the Mount of Olives from where Jesus ascended to heaven to be with God.
May 5 –Cinco de Mayo Cinco de Mayo is observed on May 5. Mexican Americans celebrate this day to honor their ethnicity and remember the defeat of the French army from the Mexican army during the Battle of Puebla in Mexico in 1862.
Cinco de Mayo celebrates the Mexican culture, achievements and fortune of the Mexican Americans living in the United States. Festivities include Mexican dancing, food, music, and performances. Some of the largest Cinco de Mayo celebrations are in Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose, Sacramento, San Antonio, Phoenix, Albuquerque, El Paso, and Denver.
May 5th –NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER - National Day of Prayer is held on the first Thursday of May. The National Day of Prayer started on April 17, 1952 by President Harry Truman signing the bill into law. President Reagan designated the first Thursday of May as the official National Day of Prayer in 1988. Every year the President will issue a proclamation designating the National Day of Prayer on the first Thursday of May.
Several million people from different faiths are called to pray for the United States and its leaders. The National Day of Prayer is orchestrated by the National Day of Prayer Task Force made up of 40,000 volunteers across the United States with more than 35,000 prayer gatherings. Events include prayer breakfasts, music performances, prayer walks, worship and prayer services. It includes all faiths to pray for the country in their own way.
In gratitude to our mothers and those who held the place of a mother for us, living and deceased. Thought of with great love on this day. +++ ----+++----+++----+++----+++----+++----+++----+++