Gracious God, please pour your love upon those who have asked to be remembered in our prayers:
Family of Julie Tatti – As they mourn the loss of their sister Colette. May God give them comfort.
Assunta Colonna – Mother of Joe Giuliano. For successful heart treatment. May God sustain her courage and strength.
Joan Cartier – longtime friend of the DPD
. May God bring her comfort and courage as she faces a terminal disease.
Sister Emily – friend of Sr. Joan, for patience and courage as she works to recover from a stroke.
Jack Straus- resident of Wallace House. May God keep him in his constant care.
Jonathan Walmach –Great-nephew of Patt Foth who suffered a brain aneurysm. May he heal quickly and well.
Ellen Marco - May our Lord, our healer grant her full recovery.
Sharon & Gloria – During their continued battle with breast cancer, may the blessings of our heavenly Father be on them. May they be restored to health.
Mia – an 8
th grade student in Sparta as she battles colon cancer. For healing and God’s embrace for her and her family to get through this terribly difficult time
Tommy Moran – for a return to health and for his family during this worrisome time.
Ronnie Ingram – sister of CARE member Raymond, during this difficult time of waiting as to how to proceed after a lump was found in her breast. Please pray for her peace of mind as she goes through this period of waiting and for a successful treatment and quick recovery time.
Carmen Romero – Grandmother of Ashley Hidalgo, for a speedy recovery from a dislocated hip.
Chris Androski - husband of Barnet House volunteer Nina. That his ear is healed and he gets his hearing back.
Patty Van Tine – Daughter of volunteer Barbara Mahler. May the Lord be her light during this time of crisis and keep her close in his love.
Karen – Sister-in-law of a volunteer. For strength to help her through her recovery program. May she feel God’s love.
Frank Sickinger – for a return to strength, health and home.
Nidia Diaz – grandmother to the children of Lourdes Torres. May she feel God’s compassionate love during and slow and uncomfortable healing process from delicate surgery.
Ann - That her 2nd opinion for cancer diagnosis will be the light she needs in this dark journey. May God's presence be upon her throughout her journey
Tara Mackin- Gruenert Center volunteer, may God watch over her during her pregnancy and bless her and her unborn child with good health.
Lori Burton – May you fill her heart with your comfort; fill her body with your strength and her everyday with your rest.
Ron - Cousin of volunteer Camille Aveni, was recently diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. May he find consolation in God’s loving presence and for the doctors treating him.
James Ondimu Ochoki – For healing for this beloved father, grandfather, father in-law, brother in-law, and uncle to many.
Gary – Cousin of Cheryl Slate, for strength in suffering and return to health
Lucy Cox- May the Lord grant consolation and recovery to health.
Wally Camacho - May the love of God, family and friends sustain him as he undergoes dialysis 3 days a week.
Patrick Powis – Father of Art Powis
, for comfort, strength and courage as he faces his illness
Anthony - a young man of 23 whose lungs are not in good condition, may God draw him near as his final hours approach and for comfort for his loving family.
Rosa Bascietto – Mother of Joanne Rossi. That the love and respect of her family helps to sustain her and bring her joy.
Donald – Son of volunteer Barbara Mahler, may God watch over him during his illness
For peace, justice and hope in our world. May God bless our staff, residents, friends, volunteers and benefactors. May he turn his face toward you and give you peace.
Colette Brooks – Sister of Julie Tatti
Eillen Wilson – Longtime friend and neighbor of the DPD
Joe Mahoney – family member of DPD volunteers Denise & Denise Avagliano
Colette Brooks – Sister of Julie Tatti
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April 29 - Saint Catherine of Siena, 1347-1380
Catherine was the 24th child of a wool dyer in northern Italy. She started having mystical experiences when she was only 6, seeing guardian angels as clearly as the people they protected. St. Catherine was one of the most brilliant theological minds of her day and one of only three women recognized as Doctors (Teachers) of the Church. When she died she was endeavoring to heal the Great Western Schism. She is considered to be a guide and guardian of the Church in one of the darkest periods of its history, the fourteenth century. Her letters and a treatise called "a dialogue" are considered among the most brilliant writings in the history of the Catholic Church.
April 28 –Saint Gianna Beretta Molla - 1922 1962 – Patron saint of mothers, physicians, preborn children
Saint Gianna was born in northern Italy, near Milan. She was an Italian pediatrician who was also a wife and a mother of 3 children. During her fourth pregnancy she was diagnosed with a uterine tumor. Molla refused both an abortion and a hysterectomy despite knowing that continuing with the pregnancy could result in her own death, as it in fact did. Her fourth child, Gianna Emanuela, was born on April 21, 1962, and Gianna died seven days later as a result of complications of the tumor. She believed deeply in the holiness of the family and in the sanctity of human life. Gianna was canonized on May 16, 2004.
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