Gracious God, please pour your love upon those who have asked to be remembered in our prayers. To make a prayer request: http://ministry.dpd.org/prayer-requests Family of Barbara Quinn – mother of Mary Ann and Michael of the Kelleher Apartments. May God help them through this season of loss.
Family of Helen Derling- Mother of Darlyn from the Alexander House. May God hold them in his tender care during this time of loss.
John Risko – Uncle of Darlyn Derling. With prayers for a quick recovery.
Patnala Jesuraju – During these difficult times. May God come to her assistance and provide comfort.
Robert Konowich – Uncle of Jake Ferguson. We pray for your healing hand to rest upon Robert and bring him back to wholeness and strength. We pray this with gratitude for protecting his life.
Family and friends of Luc Champono – brother of Irmelle St. Fort, staff member at Calabrese House during their time of grief at his passing. May God surround him with his courage to get through this difficult time.
Karen Tofilski – For the strength to heal and comfort while doing so. May God hold her in his care.
Larry Hanlon – Father of John, for healing.
Russoniello Family – dear friends of Patt Foth, during this difficult time of grief over the loss of their 13 year old son Andrew who was hit by a car while riding his bike.
Jean Williams - Mother of Gruenert staff member Lisa Beasley. May the Lord give her strength in body, courage in spirit, and patience in suffering.
Jimmy Feehan - Brother of Julie Tatti. For strength and courage as he deals with cancer. May God’s healing presence surround him.
Clement - grant him the grace and strength to accept the burden of cancer.
Bonnie Leibowitz – dear friend of volunteer Anna Philhower
Ronnie Ingram – sister of CARE member Raymond. Please pray for strength and courage as she goes through treatment.
Chris Androski - husband of Barnet House volunteer Nina. That his ear is healed and he gets his hearing back.
James Ondimu Ochoki – For healing for this beloved father, grandfather, father in-law, brother in-law, and uncle to many.
Lucy Cox- May the Lord grant consolation and recovery to health.
Wally Camacho - May the love of God, family and friends sustain him as he undergoes dialysis 3 days a week.
Anthony - a young man of 23 whose lungs are not in good condition, may God draw him near as his final hours approach and for comfort for his loving family.
Rosa Bascietto – Mother of Joanne Rossi. That the love and respect of her family helps to sustain her and bring her joy.
For peace, justice and hope in our world. May God bless our staff, residents, friends, volunteers and benefactors. May he turn his face toward you and give you peace.
Helen Derling- Mother of Darlyn
Barbara Quinn - Mother of Michael and Mary Ann
Luc Champono – Brother of Irmelle St.Fort
Eugene Sturchio – Father of Linda Giuliano
John Habuda – Resident of the Wallace House
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October 31- All Hallows Eve / a.k.a Halloween “Halloween" is a name that means nothing by itself. It is a contraction of "All Hallows Eve," and it refers to the vigil (evening before) of All Hallows Day, more commonly known today as All Saints Day. "Hallow," as a noun, is an old English word for holy or saint. All Saints Day, November 1, is a Holy Day of Obligation which is a day Catholics are required to attend mass outside of the usual weekend obligation. Despite concerns among some Catholics and other Christians in recent years about the "pagan origins" of Halloween, there really are none. The first attempts to show some connection between the vigil of All Saints and the Celtic harvest festival of Samhain came over a thousand years after All Saints Day became a universal feast. In Celtic peasant culture, however, elements of the harvest festival survived, even among Christians, just as the Christmas tree owes its origins to pre-Christian Germanic traditions without being a pagan ritual.
November 1- All Saints Day In the early fourth century, All Saints Day was a way to commemorate the martyrs, but later all of the saints were included in the festival.
November 2- All Souls Day All Souls Day is our day to remember all those who have fallen asleep in Christ who weren't officially recognized as saints. This includes all of our own loved ones: deceased parents, friends and other family members. St. Augustine reminds us, "If we had no care for the dead, we would not be in the habit of praying for them." We are all weak creatures, and none of us are holy enough to stand before the throne of God. Thus we need the prayers of others. All Saints Day and All Souls Day are meant to remind us of the need to be humble before God and each other.