Being the sibling of someone with a profound disability often asks much of the sibling. Though they feel great love for their brother or sister, much is also expected. They typically need to grow up more quickly from additional responsibilities and often their parents' attention is more widely cast with the additional needs in raising an individual with a profound disability.
There will be a gathering for teen and young adult aged siblings: Wednesday, January 6, 2016 7:30 PM St. John the Evangelist Parish Life Center 15 North Washington Avenue, Bergenfield
This event is sponsored by SIBS NJ and Pastoral Ministry with Persons with Disabilities.
SIBS NJ, Supportive Initiatives for Brothers & Sisters, is a volunteer organization based in Northern New Jersey dedicated to providing the siblings of individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities and mental health conditions
with information and support.
Comprised and organized by siblings and sibling supporters, SIBS NJ seeks to help siblings connect with one another and to the resources they need to help them and their siblings
with disabilities live, full, meaningful lives.