One thing we really haven’t talked about in Foothold is Hospitalization Data. There is a button on the opening menu for this. As I’ve been reviewing IHP’s I see that sometimes it is checked off that our folks have been hospitalized in the past two years. When this has occurred, we will need to add the note regarding the nature of the hospitalization, otherwise it says “no data”. To enter this, go to “Hospital”, then “Episodes” and “Add New”. This information will then pull into the IHP form.
Also as a reminder: In the Service Contacts section which lists the doctors, if you enter the When/How often into the Comments Box it will pull this into the form for you. For example, “Annually/As Needed”. This way once it’s done, you won’t need to type it ever again unless there’s a change. J
Lastly, in the Action Required Summary, please don’t forgot about entering “Ongoing” for all completed dates unless there should be a date there.