Thank you to everyone who supported our Wiegand Farm Golf Classic, held on Monday, June 27th at Bowling Green Golf Club and Berkshire Valley Golf Course!
262 golfers registered for this event and we sold out both courses. We raised over $15,000 on our silent auction and gave away a $10,000 MEGA 50/50 prize. We had nearly 250 sponsors and donors who helped us raise over $102,000 (net) on this event. Words cannot express our appreciation to everyone who supported our Golf Classic in any capacity.
We had over 50 Volunteers who came out to this event including Patrick, Anthony, Bill, Billy, Jackie, Kaleigh, Gina, John and Seby who live at or are served by DPD. They made our event extra special. Where would be be without our volunteers!!??
We would also like to thank:
All of our Major Sponsors including: Event Sponsors Lakeland Bank and Eastern Propane; Diamond Driver Sponsor iHeartMedia Inc., Sussex County; Platinum Putter Sponsors Arthur J. Gallagher and Co., Asco Power Technologies, and The Walsh Family Fund; Golden Golf Ball Sponsors,Saint Clare's Health System and ShopRite and our over two dozen Titanium Tee Sponsors. This outing would not be possible without your support!
Our Golf Committee has helped this event grow from a 68 person outing in 2010 to an event that has sold out 2 courses. Special thanks to the founder of this event, Jack Kelly, (Pictured at right) who has been with us throughout all 42 of our golf outings; Paul Natoli (Natoli Construction) whose advocacy and leadership has helped this event flourish; and new committee member Jenn Minervino who helped us raise nearly $10,000 on individual pledges and silent auction items.
We would also like to thank all of the golfers who came out to this event. Thank you for supporting our cause and for your kindness and willingness to make a difference.
Special thanks also goes out to Miss New Jersey USA Jessie Palumbo andCharity Golf International long drive pros Dewald Gouws and Michael Michaelides for adding excitement to our Golf Classic.
We would also like to thank anyone who donated or bid on a silent auction item, purchased a MEGA 50/50 ticket, made a donation or supported this event in any other way. Your kindness has made a difference in the lives of many!
We were happy to honor the Jefferson Township Police Department as our Humanitarians of the Year. Sheriff Rochford from Morris County presented them with their award. We stand by our law enforcement officers as they keep the people who we serve safe.
We also honored Roy DeFranco, as our Knights of Columbus of the Year. Roy has supported our organization for over 20 years as a volunteer, benefactor, fundraiser and Brother Knight.
We are grateful to everyone who has helped this event expand over the last 5 years. The money raised on this event will make an immediate impact on those with intellectual and developmental disabilities throughout New Jersey.