Richard Karuku is a valued staff member at Fitzpatrick House. Reliable and dependable are two words that describe him. He is always here on his scheduled day to work and always on time. Even snow days don’t seem deter him, even if it takes 2 hours to shovel himself out, he will be here on time!
During his years with DPD, Richard has developed a great relationship with all the
residents and staff at Fitzpatrick House. He has a quiet way about him that draws the
residents to him. He remains calm and reassuring during tense times, making everyone feel confident that everything is going well.
Richard is famous for his pizza making skills, which our guys thoroughly enjoy. Not a week goes by that we don’t have one of Richard’s famous pizzas. It seems to have become an unwritten rule that Richard must teach each new staff how to make his pizza. On the rare occasion that we do not have pizza planned on the menu we inevitably get bombarded with residents complaints and asking for “Richard’s pizza” instead.
We are blessed to have Richard as a part of the Fitzpatrick House family!