There is a lot to discuss this week!
1. Foothold has added the ability to add that a person has “No Known” allergies. For those residents who do not have allergies, please go to the medical section, and under allergies, choose “Add New” then check off the box for “No Known”. This can also be accessed from the Face Sheet (under “Profile”).
2. I continue to be available as needed to visit your program if your staff would like to have an additional refresher on how to document, particularly if it’s been a while since they practiced documenting. Please feel free to request a training.
3. When revising goals and objectives, it has come up that if staff document on the objective past the date you intend for it to be discontinued, the system won’t let you discontinue the objective. It will state that the goal text is “locked by subsequent notes”. There is a way to fix it, but prevention will be much easier in the long run. For example, if an objective is supposed to end on 3/31, it will make it easier to end the objective in April if no one has documented past April 1st. It might be helpful to leave a note for the staff to discontinue documenting after the assigned day.
4. This one is important! We have a New IHP Form! This one looks much more similar to the IHP Word document. Going forward, please use the form titled, “IHP” in the drop down rather than the DDD IHP. (Gruenert will also have a form entitled “Gruenert IHP” for the work section.) This form is more legible than the previous form. The only downside is that next year (one time), the information won’t carry from the previous form. When you are ready to transfer the information over next year, you can open Foothold a second time in a new window so that the information can be copied over. Call me if you’d like me to walk you through how to do that.
Another important point to make the document print correctly- When printing, go to the advanced printer settings on the left and make sure the printer is set to print “Background Graphics”. This will make the lines on the page print on the paper. Again, if you need assistance, call me. I think you will all agree that the updated form will be considerably easier to use.
5. You will notice that the goal and objective section has two new wordings added to the service plan: A. Rational / Method for Evaluating Progress and Outcomes: The “Rational” will remain the same (why the person is working on the objective). Underneath this, in the same box, please go to another line and enter the sentence, “Progress will be evaluated through monthly progress notes and daily training records.” This information is from the Word document and needed to be added to Foothold. B. Implementing Agency/Person: This would be: Catholic Charities/DPD – “Program Name”, “Director’s Name” Again, this is from the DDD Word document. We had Foothold re-label the collateral input box so that this could be included as well. 6. To prepare for Quarterly Reports, it was pointed out that it might be helpful to keep extra copies of the Monthly Reports as you go along. This way you will already have the information at your fingertips when you want to review the objectives.