Heavenly Father,
Creator of all the universe, blessed are you! Look over us with love each and every day of this week and hear our prayers. Grant us peace and understanding and guide us always to your ways and your will O Lord. Let all our daily labors be done in love to glorify you!
In your precious name we pray.
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You can add your prayer request at www.ministry.dpd.org
✙ Gracious God, please pour your love upon those who have asked to be remembered in our prayers:
Family of Charles Irungu Mwangi – Brother in law of Elizabeth Lumbete, Wehrlen House Associate Director. May they experience God’s love during this difficult time of loss.
Tom Slate Sr. – Father in law of Cheryl Slate. Request for successful surgery and God’s healing.
Family of Marion Berdan – mother-in-law of Mena Berdan during this time of loss.
Denis Avagliano – longtime volunteer. For speedy healing and recovery from knee replacement surgery.
Ken I - Prayers that all cancer has been removed and for healing.
Terry Walker – friend of Denis Avagliano, as be battles cancer.
Sister Ann – For healing and a return to health.
Sharon Z. – For strength and hope as she faces a reoccurrence of cancer. May God hold her close.
Blanca Rivera- mother of a staff person Maria Alvarez as she is fighting Cancer.
Tommy Rieser – friend of Gruenert Center staff person Karen. For courage as he fights a new illness.
Patricia Brasley – Mother in law of Carolina Nelson who is facing serious illness.
Blair Nelson and George Fernstrom – Friends of Denis Avagliano. For strength and courage in dealing with this illness. May God grant a return to health.
Barbara Whitmore, Bob & Jay Martin – Family of staff person Kelly Hammel . For courage in the face of illness.
Keith – Son in law of Jean Nichols - The strength to recover from a serious skiing accident.
Emily - A 5 year old girl facing serious health issues. May God bring her comfort and healing.
James –Please pray for wisdom the medical staff and complete healing during this difficult recovery.
Patrick - Friend of Joe and Debbie Wickham. As he battles cancer, may he feel God’s presence during this difficult time.
Francisca Camacho - Mother-in-law of Niurka Marte. May God comfort her and lead her into healing and restored health.
Theresa Wickham – Mother of staff person Joe Wickam. May God grant her comfort, strength and healing.
Regina Maloney - Sister of Joe Wickam. May God watch over her and give her courage and healing.
Kathleen Peterson – Friend of DPD. May God watch over her and inspire her with patience during her continued recovery.
Randy Philhower – Mother of Gruenert Staff Rebecca Dann. May she know God’s peace and courage as she undergoes treatment to bring her back to health.
Josiah – For God’s guidance and protection
Kirsten Yuroshek
Tavia – Great grandmother of Ashley, Director of Barnet House
Christian Lavorgna – Son of CARE volunteer Ed Lavorgna
Daniel Healy
Charlie Raab & Jim Daugherty
Jimmy Feehan - Brother of Julie Tatti
James Ondimu Ochoki – Father of Geoffrey Ondimu, Director of Basile Apartments
Anthony – for strength
For peace, justice and hope in our world.
May God bless our staff, residents, friends, volunteers and benefactors.
May he turn his face toward you and give you peace.
Charles Irungu Mwangi – Brother in law of Elizabeth Lumbete
Marion Berdan – mother-in-law of Mena Berdan
Navy Lt. James E. Mazzuchelli – grandson of volunteer Dennis Guzzo
For all deceased Friends and family of the DPD
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May 1 – Saint Joseph the Worker
Joseph understood the importance of work. He was a carpenter—a builder—and probably taught Jesus his trade. Through his work, Joseph honored the Father in heaven and continued the act of creation. Joseph was named protector of workers by Pope Benedict XV, and in 1955, the feast of Saint Joseph the Worker on May 1 was proclaimed by Pius the XII. Let us pray to Saint Joseph for his help in all our work and for those many people who want and need jobs but cannot find them.
May 4 - National Day of Prayer
National Day of Prayer calls on all people of different faiths in the United States to pray for the nation and its leaders. It is held on the first Thursday of May each year. It was created in 1952 by a joint resolution of the United States Congress, and signed into law by President Harry S. Truman. The National Day of Prayer belongs to all Americans. It is a day that transcends differences, bringing together citizens from all backgrounds.
May 5 – Cinco de Mayo
Literally "the Fifth of May, “Cinco de Mayo” is a Mexican Holiday celebrating the Battle of Puebla, which took place on May 5, 1862. In 1861, France sent a massive army to invade Mexico, as they wanted to collect on some war debts. The French army was much larger, better trained and equipped than the Mexicans who made a valiant stand, and, against all logic, won a huge victory. Cinco de Mayo celebrates the Mexican culture, achievements.