During Ordinary Time, we can do something as simple as taking something we always do each day and doing it in a symbolic way. For example, we might be in the practice of putting our keys on a table when we come in the house. We might be in the habit of putting our phone on the table as well. During Ordinary Time, we could get a simple bowl or plate and put our keys or phone on that bowl or plate. We could perhaps find a simple green cloth to put in the bowl or on the plate. It can be the symbol of our commitment to be faithful to the journey of these days, and to place our trust in our faithful God. We can even offer a simple prayer, like, "Lord, these keys represent (this phone is a symbol of) so much of the commitments I have made and the places you have called me to be and where you have called me to serve. Let my placing them in the bowl all during this season give me a sense of taking up this mission you have given me, with hope in you."
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Gracious God, please pour your love upon those who have asked to be remembered in our prayers: Renee Farrell – Mother of Pamela Coar, Program Assistant at Fitzpatrick House, passed away this week. Please keep Pamela and her family in your prayers during this very sad time.
DJ Reyes – Son of Ashley Hidalgo, that he will grow in strength and health and may God keep him in his watchful care.
Jenne Craig – wife of volunteer Bob, as she battles breast cancer. May God give her strength and comfort.
Assunta Colonna – Mother of Joe Giuliano. For healing. May God sustain her courage and strength.
Joan Cartier – longtime friend of the DPD
. May God bring her comfort and courage as she faces a terminal disease.
Family & Friends of Sister Emily – who peacefully went to her eternal reward
Mia – an 8
th grade student in Sparta as she battles colon cancer. For healing and God’s embrace for her and her family to get through this terribly difficult time
Ronnie Ingram – sister of CARE member Raymond. Please pray for strength and courage as she goes through treatment.
Chris Androski - husband of Barnet House volunteer Nina. That his ear is healed and he gets his hearing back.
Patty Van Tine – Daughter of volunteer Barbara Mahler. May the Lord be her light during this time of crisis and keep her close in his love.
Ron - Cousin of volunteer Camille Aveni, was recently diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. May he find consolation in God’s loving presence and for the doctors treating him.
James Ondimu Ochoki – For healing for this beloved father, grandfather, father in-law, brother in-law, and uncle to many.
Lucy Cox- May the Lord grant consolation and recovery to health.
Wally Camacho - May the love of God, family and friends sustain him as he undergoes dialysis 3 days a week.
Patrick Powis – Father of Art Powis
, for comfort, strength and courage as he faces his illness
Anthony - a young man of 23 whose lungs are not in good condition, may God draw him near as his final hours approach and for comfort for his loving family.
Rosa Bascietto – Mother of Joanne Rossi. That the love and respect of her family helps to sustain her and bring her joy.
Donald – Son of volunteer Barbara Mahler, may God watch over him during his illness
For peace, justice and hope in our world. May God bless our staff, residents, friends, volunteers and benefactors. May he turn his face toward you and give you peace. Sister Emily – friend of Sr. Joan
Renee Farrell – Mother of Pamela Coar
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June 29 -
Saints Peter and Paul Peter and Paul are giants of the Church. Both are apostles. Peter was very likely a middle-aged man when Jesus called him. He was a fisherman from Bethsaida, a village near the Lake of Galilee. When Andrew introduced Peter to Jesus. Jesus said, “You are Simon son of John; you are to be called Cephas, meaning Rock.” Peter became the leader in the early Church. He worked the first public miracle: curing the lame man at the temple gate. He welcomed the first person who was not Jewish into the Church. People thought just his shadow passing by would cure them. Peter was imprisoned three or four times. Finally, in Rome, he was sentenced to death by crucifixion. Out of respect for his Master, Jesus, he asked the guard to fasten him to the cross upside down. He was buried in an old Roman cemetery, probably where the basilica of St. Peter is today. He is called the “Prince of the Apostles
Paul received the best education. Being a strict Jew, he persecuted the Christians who were teaching strange new things. One day on the way to Damascus to hunt for Christians, Paul had a conversion experience. Paul became the greatest Christian missionary, preaching and founding churches. In the beginning Paul had difficulty convincing the Jewish Christians that non-Jews could be baptized and did not have to follow Jewish rules. He finally won. For about thirty years Paul traveled around the Roman Empire preaching about Christ and suffering. He was the right man to build the bridge between Jewish religion of the Old Testament and the Christianity of the New Testament. Paul was imprisoned and finally beheaded outside of the walls of Rome.