✝ Octave of the Nativity of the Lord✝ Although the secular calendar recognizes Christmas as December 25th as Catholics we continue to celebrate the Birth of Jesus for the next seven days in our liturgies and prayer. For most people, the significance of events like Easter and Christmas cannot be absorbed in one day. It’s like trying to comprehend the grandeur of the Grand Canyon in a brief visit or St. Peter’s Basilica in one walk-through. It’s not possible. We have to return. So it is with the Nativity and the Passion of Christ. We need more time to comprehend that Resurrection morning, more time to understand the virgin birth and God coming down to earth as man. As a result, the Church gives us seven additional days to contemplate these divine mysteries. These extra days on the liturgical calendar, eight in total, are the octaves. +++ ----+++----+++----+++----+++----+++----+++----+++---+++ You can add your prayer request atwww.ministry.dpd.org ✙
Gracious God, please pour your love upon those who have asked to be remembered in our prayers: Mr. McMinn – husband of Gruenert Center staff JoAnn McMinn
, may he be embraced by God’s healing love.
Ron - Cousin of volunteer Camille Aveni, was recently diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. May he find consolation in God’s loving presence and for the doctors treating him.
Sr. Emily McMullen - friend of Sister Joan Gercke, for her recovery from a recent stroke
Ellen Sharkey – for a quick recovery from her injury. May she be surrounded by God’s healing presence
Family of Fay Bashir- as they mourn the loss of their mother.
John Mazzoni - For your tender mercy during his time of illness and suffering.
James Ondimu Ochoki – For healing for this beloved father, grandfather, father in-law, brother in-law, and uncle to many.
Jessica Brittain - 6th grader from Sparta for recovery from surgery and return to strength and health.
Gary – Cousin of Cheryl Slate, for strength in suffering and return to health
Michael Gerardi – For patience and a positive outlook as he heals from a recent accident.
Lucy Cox- May the Lord grant consolation and recovery to health.
Jack McCarthy- Father of Debbie McCarthy from the Gruenert Center. For a return to health.
Tara McKewen – as she seeks to discern the work she is being called to
Chuck Emering – Brother of Kris Bulas
, as he recovers from his injuries. For patience and endurance during his healing.
Wally Camacho - May the love of God, family and friends sustain him as he undergoes dialysis 3 days a week.
Sharon Zuckerman - For strength and comfort as she undergoes treatment for breast cancer
Burt Foley – For his recovery from heart surgery
Patrick Powis – Father of Art Powis
, for comfort, strength and courage as he faces his illness
Anthony - a young man of 23 whose lungs are not in good condition, may God draw him near as his final hours approach and for comfort for his loving family.
Rosa Bascietto – Mother of Joanne Rossi. That the love and respect of her family helps to sustain her and bring her joy.
Donald – Son of volunteer Barbara Mahler, may God watch over him during his illness
Colette – Sister of Julie Tatti for strength in suffering and improvement in health
For peace, justice and hope in our world For all who find the holidays especially difficult. ✙
Praise God for blessings bestowed: Carol Murray – in gratitude for her return to home and healing.
Gunnar Anthony – infant grandson of Kathy Vermulen, with thanks for prayers answered for healing.
Desiree Forlenza – longtime resident of the DPD- Alexander House
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December 28 – Feast of the Holy Family December 30th Feast of the Holy Family: The family of Jesus was not without problems. They lived under Roman tyranny, were forced to immigrate to Egypt to save the life of their newborn son, Jesus, and lost Jesus for three days. What makes them holy is that they were always faithful and trusted in God’s will for them. May we too, have the gift of faith, the blessing of hope and the peace of His love at Christmas and always!
January 1 – Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God “Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us!” In 431 at the Council of Ephesus, Mary was given the title of Mother of God. In the Eastern church Mary is called Theotokas which means God-bearer. The Blessed Mother always leads those that are devoted to her, to her beloved son, Jesus.
WHAT IS A SOLEMNITY? Solemnities celebrate events, beliefs, and personages of greatest importance and universal significance in salvation history. Of the three types of Eucharistic liturgies they are the most important. They are followed by Feasts and finally Memorials